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Showing posts from December, 2020

Christmas stuff and a 2020 reset

Hello readers and happy Christmas! Did you get all the presents from your list? If you did that means you’ve been a good boy or girl during this terrible 2020, if not, don’t worry, you’ll have 364 days more to try it again 😉 Today has been my second CFM (Christmas Food Marathon) and I still don’t know how I survived to it: two days at my husband’s village is like a week in a hotel with full food included, trust me, I don’t know how we can eat so much.  By the way, this year has been a little bit different from last 2019 Christmas, the first thing was the fact we were fewer people at the table although this time has been so fun as the last year, so this is a great point for 2020.  And the second and the one I most liked was we didn’t dress fancy as if we were in a ceremony, so we can start a new tradition in our family: wear the most ridiculous or cute jersey with a Christmas style as did my sister in law and her family.  Every year we used to wear a fancy dress to look fabulous but to

Christmas is coming!

  Hello readers, we are at 13 days until the weirdest Christmas ever. How are you going to spend these Christmas Holidays? In my city, the restrictions are increasing with the past of the days so we still don’t know what is going to happen with special days like Christmas or New Year’sEve. In spite of everything, I have some plans: to eat a lot. My country is famous for its gastronomy, the 50 provinces of Spain have their own typical dishes and a huge variety of recipes and obviously, for Christmas, we prepare a lot of food to share with family, but unfortunately this year we won’t share all this food with the all our relatives. A sad situation for many families.  But as incredible as it may seem this will be the first time my husband and I are going to celebrate a traditional Christmas meal at home. My parents and I haven’t been celebrating Christmas as is usual for many years but during this terrible quarantine something made change my mom’s thoughts and she decided to celebrate a tr

Living with technologies

  Hello readers! Winter is not coming, winter has arrived and has come like a hurricane… Brrr…! What’s the topic of the day? Life with technology. Before I met my husband I was like a boomer with technology, even for many years I used old and unfashioned mobiles without Whatsapp (Oh dude, that were really good times!). I didn’t know about smartwatches or personal assistants like Alexa. The only thing I own was an iPad and it was really useful because I bought it when I was living in Madrid and then moved to Ireland, so I kept in touch with my family through this device. And a few months of our marriage came to our house the first Alexa. Alexa is a voice-controlled intelligent personal assistant service, you can ask it orders like turn the lights on or to listen to music apart of a lot of things. This device changed the perception of new technologies I used to have, as I thought the robots will dominate the world and we will live like in the Sci-Fi films where humans are poor slaves of